Ooo I’m having a blast, don’t bother me, don’t tell me that’s enough, Ooo, ooo, ooo.

Milla Tomasik

Ooo I’m having a great time, don’t bother me, don’t tell me that’s enough, Ooo, ooo, ooo – these are the lyrics of Anna Dabrowska’s song and the work’s title.

The artist creates situations that glorify the search for joy in everyday life through absurdity, laughter, and being with others. Between positive experiences sneaks the meaninglessness of human existence. The cyclical materialization of physicality, the confusion of changing tissues, world-ruling in the relay of generations. But, is it worth talking about it now, as we drink coffee, eat cake, and pass anecdotes to each other while pieces of sponge cake fall out of our mouths as we laugh out loud?

Her work is focuses on the individual, corporeality, loneliness and intuitive cognition. In her art, she orbits around the issue of tragicomedy, once dealing with tragedy in comedy and once with comedy in tragedy. Since she has understood that laughter is the best anesthesia for transience, she tries to give herself and others an excuse to laugh by applying a profound issue, such as art, to a mundane form, such as cake. The archetype of the Trickster and children’s art have are big inspirations in the artist’s work. She appreciates a good joke, mounting foam, a sincere smile and finding a spare moment to do laundry and to remove stains.

Cooperation: Agata Murawska, Patryk Rybus

Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
Faculty of Sculpture and Intermedia
Intermedia Studio II
Ph. D. Anna Leśniak